Beijing Winter Olympics

The Beijing Winter Olympics is a sports event held under the new crown pneumonia epidemic. Under the challenge of the epidemic, the actions of human beings to unite and cooperate, build friendship, and light the torch of hope together are even more precious.

During the past period, we have also seen touching stories of deep friendships forged by athletes and volunteers from many countries and regions. These moments of human solidarity at the Beijing Winter Olympics will be fond memories in people's hearts forever.

Many foreign media reported on the Beijing Winter Olympics under the title of "the Winter Olympics ratings set a record". The audience rating of the event not only doubled or even broke records in some European and American Winter Olympic powerhouses, but also in tropical countries where there is no ice and snow all year round, many people are also paying attention to the Beijing Winter Olympics. This shows that although the epidemic is still raging, the passion, joy and friendship brought by ice and snow sports are still shared by people around the world, and the unity, cooperation and hope demonstrated by the Beijing Winter Olympics are injecting confidence and strength into countries around the world.

The heads of the multi-national Olympic committees and people in the sports industry all said that athletes compete on the field, hug and greet after the game, which is a beautiful scene. People from all over the world cheer for the Winter Olympics, cheer for Beijing, and look forward to the future together. This is the full embodiment of the Olympic spirit.

Post time: Feb-15-2022