Description :           FUJI NXT DX-S1 SPECIAL NOZZLE YS2 

Suitable for :           NXT DX Head                                  

Condition:               Copy New

Min Order Qty:       1 EA

Lead time:               5-7 Days

Warranty:               1 Months


Product Detail

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We professionally provide SMT FUJI original brand new nozzles, including H01,H04, H08, H08M,H12, V12, H24 head nozzle, nozzle size: 0.7mm, 1.0mm, 1.3mm, 1.8mm, 2.5mm, 5.0mm, 7.0mm. 10.0mm ...
At the same time, we also design and produce high-quality, cost-effective imitation alternative nozzles, such as regular nozzles, LED nozzles, chuck nozzles

P/N Description 
AA0AS00 Nozzle Head H01 ø1.0 NXT, R36-010-260
AA06800 Nozzle Head H01 ø1.3 NXT, R36-013-260
AA0MZ00 Nozzle Head H01 ø1.3M/MELF NXT, R36-013M-260
AA0HL00 Nozzle Head H01 ø1.8 NXT, R36-018-260
AA11R00 Nozzle Head H01 ø1.8M/MELF NXT, R36-018M-260
AA0HM00 Nozzle Head H01 ø2.5 NXT, R36-025-260
AA08410 Nozzle Head H01 ø2.5G NXT with Rubber Pad, R36-025G-260
AA0ML03 Nozzle Head H01 ø2.5M/MELF NXT, R36-025M-260
AA0HN00 Nozzle Head H01 ø3.7, R36-037-260
AA08500 Nozzle Head H01 ø3.7G NXT with Rubber Pad, R36-037G-260
AA0HR00 Nozzle Head H01 ø5.0 NXT, R36-050-260
AA07200 Nozzle Head H01 ø5.0G NXT with Rubber Pad, R36-050G-260
AA08000 Nozzle Head H01 ø7.0 NXT, R36-070-260
AA07310 Nozzle Head H01 ø7.0G NXT with Rubber Pad, R36-070G-260
AA08100 Nozzle Head H01 ø10.0 NXT, R36-100-260
AA07410 Nozzle Head H01 ø10.0G NXT with Rubber Pad, R36-100G-260
AA08200 Nozzle Head H01 ø15.0 NXT, R36-150-260
AA07510 Nozzle Head H01 ø15.0G NXT with Rubber Pad, R36-150G-260
AA08300 Nozzle Head H01 ø20.0 NXT, R36-200-260
AA07610 Nozzle Head H01 ø20.0G NXT with Rubber Pad, R36-200G-260
P/N Description 
AA06W03 Nozzle Head H04 ø1.0 NXT, R19-010-155
AA06X04 Nozzle Head H04 ø1.3 NXT, R19-013-155
AA22Y00 Nozzle Head H04 ø1.3ML/MELF NXT, R19-013M-155
AA06Y04 Nozzle Head H04 ø1.8 NXT, R19-018-155
AA22Z00 Nozzle Head H04 ø1.8ML/MELF NXT, R19-018M-155
AA06Z05 Nozzle Head H04 ø2.5 NXT, R19-025-155
AA07F02 Nozzle Head H04 ø2.5G NXT with Rubber Pad, R19-025G-155
AA2KE00 Nozzle Head H04 ø2.5ML/MELF NXT, R19-025M-155
AA07A05 Nozzle Head H04 ø3.7 NXT, R19-037-155
AA07G03 Nozzle Head H04 ø3.7G NXT with Rubber Pad, R19-037G-155
AA07B04 Nozzle Head H04 ø5.0 NXT, R19-050-155
AA07H03 Nozzle Head H04 ø5.0G NXT with Rubber Pad, R19-050G-155
AA07C04 Nozzle Head H04 ø7.0 NXT, R19-070-155
AA07K04 Nozzle Head H04 ø7.0G NXT with Rubber Pad, R19-070G-155
AA07D03 Nozzle Head H04 ø10.0 NXT, R19-x100x-155
AA07L04 Nozzle Head H04 ø10.0G NXT with Rubber Pad, R19-100G-155
AA07E03 Nozzle Head H04 ø15.0 NXT, R19-150-155
AA07M04 Nozzle Head H04 ø15.0G NXT with Rubber Pad, R19-150G-155
P/N Description 
AA8WT00 Nozzle Head H04S ø1.0 NXT
AA8TE00 Nozzle Head H04S ø1.3 NXT
AA8WW00 Nozzle Head H04S ø1.8 NXT
AA8WX00 Nozzle Head H04S ø2.5 NXT
AA8XA00 Nozzle Head H04S ø2.5G NXT with Rubber Pad
AA93W00 Nozzle Head H04S ø3.7 NXT
AA8XB00 Nozzle Head H04S ø3.7G NXT with Rubber Pad
AA93X00 Nozzle Head H04S ø5.0 NXT
AA8XC00 Nozzle Head H04S ø5.0G NXT with Rubber Pad
AA93Y00 Nozzle Head H04S ø7.0 NXT
AA8XD00 Nozzle Head H04S ø7.0G NXT with Rubber Pad
AA8WY00 Nozzle Head H04S ø10.0 NXT
AA8XE00 Nozzle Head H04S ø10.0G NXT with Rubber Pad
AA8WZ00 Nozzle Head H04S ø15.0 NXT
AA8XF00 Nozzle Head H04S ø15.0G NXT with Rubber Pad
P/N Description 
AA1AT10 Nozzle Head H08 ø0.3 NXT, R07-003-070
AA05600 Nozzle Head H08 ø0.4 NXT, R07-004-070
2AGKNG021600 Nozzle Head H08 ø0.6 NXT, wide range S, R07-006WRS-070
AA05700 Nozzle Head H08 ø0.7 NXT, R07-007-070
2AGKNG009700 Nozzle Head H08 ø0.8 NXT, R07-008-070
AA05800 Nozzle Head H08 ø1.0 NXT, R07-010-070
2AGKNG021700 Nozzle Head H08 ø1.1 NXT, wide range M, R07-011WRM-070
AA20A00 Nozzle Head H08 ø1.3 NXT, R07-013-070
AA06400 Nozzle Head H08 ø1.3/MELF NXT, R07-013M-070
AA20B00 Nozzle Head H08 ø1.8 NXT, R07-018-070
AA19G00 Nozzle Head H08 ø1.8/MELF NXT, R07-018M-070
2AGKNG021800 Nozzle Head H08 ø1.8 NXT, wide range L, R07-011WRL-070
AA20C00 Nozzle Head H08 ø2.5 NXT, R07-025-070
AA0WT00 Nozzle Head H08 ø2.5G NXT with Rubber Pad, R07-025G-070
AA06500 Nozzle Head H08 ø2.5/MELF NXT, R07-025M-070
AA20D00 Nozzle Head H08 ø3.7 NXT, R07-037-070
AA18C10 Nozzle Head H08 ø3.7G NXT with Rubber Pad, R07-037G-070
AA20E00 Nozzle Head H08 ø5.0 NXT, R07-050-070
AA06300 Nozzle Head H08 ø5.0G NXT with Rubber Pad, R07-050G-070
P/N Description 
AA8LS00 Nozzle Head H08M ø0.4 NXT, R19-004-155-M
AA8DX00 Nozzle Head H08M ø0.7 NXT, R19-007-155-M
AA8LT00 Nozzle Head H08M ø1.0 NXT, R19-010-155-M
AA8DY00 Nozzle Head H08M ø1.3 NXT, R19-013-155-M
AA8MN00 Nozzle Head H08M ø1.3 Melf NXT, R19-013M-155-M
AA8LW00 Nozzle Head H08M ø1.8 NXT, R19-018-155-M
AA8MR00 Nozzle Head H08M ø1.8 Melf NXT, R19-018M-155-M
AA8LX00 Nozzle Head H08M ø2.5 NXT, R19-025-155-M
AA8ME00 Nozzle Head H08M ø2.5G NXT with Rubber Pad, R19-025G-155-M
AA8MS00 Nozzle Head H08M ø2.5 Melf NXT, R19-025M-155-M
AA8LY00 Nozzle Head H08M ø3.7 NXT, R19-037-155-M
AA8MF00 Nozzle Head H08M ø3.7G NXT with Rubber Pad, R19-037G-155-M
AA8LZ00 Nozzle Head H08M ø5.0 NXT, R19-050-155-M
AA8MG00 Nozzle Head H08M ø5.0G NXT with Rubber Pad, R19-050G-155-M
AA8MA00 Nozzle Head H08M ø7.0 NXT, R19-070-155-M
AA8MH00 Nozzle Head H08M ø7.0G NXT with Rubber Pad, R19-070G-155-M
AA8MB00 Nozzle Head H08M ø10.0 NXT, R19-100-155-M
AA8MK00 Nozzle Head H08M ø10.0G NXT with Rubber Pad, R19-100G-155-M
AA8MC00 Nozzle Head H08M ø15.0 NXT, R19-150-155-M
AA8ML00 Nozzle Head H08M ø15.0G NXT with Rubber Pad, R19-150G-155-M
AA8MD00 Nozzle Head H08M ø20.0 NXT, R19-200-155-M
AA8MM00 Nozzle Head H08M ø20.0G NXT with Rubber Pad, R19-200G-155-M
P/N Description 
2AGKNX005100 NOZZLE Head H24 ø0.2 NXT, R047-002-035
2AGKNX005200 NOZZLE Head H24 ø0.3 NXT, R047-003-035
2AGKNX005300 NOZZLE Head H24 ø0.35 NXT
2AGKNX005400 NOZZLE Head H24 ø0.4 NXT, R047-004-035
2AGKNX005500 NOZZLE Head H24 ø0.5 NXT, R047-005-035
2AGKNX007500 NOZZLE Head H24 ø0.6 NXT wide range S, R047-006WRS-035
2AGKNX003100 NOZZLE Head H24 ø0.7 NXT, R047-007-035
2AGKNX006300 NOZZLE Head H24 ø0.8 NXT, R047-008-035
2AGKNX003500 NOZZLE Head H24 ø1.0 NXT, R047-010-035
2AGKNX007600 NOZZLE Head H24 ø1.1 NXT wide range M, R047-011WRM-035
2AGKNX001700 NOZZLE Head H24 ø1.3 NXT, R047-013-035
2AGKNX004000 NOZZLE Head H24 ø1.3 Melf NXT, R047-013M-035
2AGKNX003700 NOZZLE Head H24 ø1.8 NXT, R047-018-035
2AGKNX004100 NOZZLE Head H24 ø1.8 Melf NXT, R047-018M-035
2AGKNX007700 NOZZLE Head H24 ø1.8 NXT wide range L, R047-018WRL-035
2AGKNX003900 NOZZLE Head H24 ø2.5 NXT, R047-025-035
2AGKNX001400 NOZZLE Head H24 ø2.5G NXT, with Rubber Pad, R047-025G-035
2AGKNX004200 NOZZLE Head H24 ø2.5 Melf NXT, R047-025M-035




We have a variety of express delivery options for your goods, such as DHL, UPS and FedEx Express. We deliver using the quickest and cheapest way, or with the best transportation resources according to the cargo weight, volume and so on.You can relax, we will do our best to deliver your packages quickly and safely, no matter by which mode of transportation.



About payment, we accept multiple payment methods, such as T/T, Paypal, Western Union, Alipay and WeChat. Any kind of payment is official. Once your order is confirmed, we will send a photo to you as a reference before shipping.





Your goods are handled with great care from the time of purchase to delivery. After going through QA inspection, we use foam cotton and pearl cotton to wrap each piece of product so that it arrives at your hand in perfect condition. The  vacuum bags & wooden boxes we use for packing our equipment are carefully selected to ensure no rust occurs during shipment by sea, which can cause serious damage to your equipment.




Why choose US?

Since its inception, our company has specialized in the SMT industry. With ten years’ experience, we are experts at providing a high quality service to our customers. We will do everything we can to ensure that you are happy with the work that we have done for you.

What are the main products you sell?

One-stop SMT solution. All SMT machine brands are available, including Panasonic, FUJI,JUKI, YAMAHA, SAMSUNG, DEK, MPM, HITACHI, UNIVERSAL, Assembleon , SONYO, SONY ect. Besides, screen printer, SPI, AOI, is available too.

Are there any other services?

We also offer repair and nozzle customization services.

  • Repair mainly includes: Driver, Motor, Board, Laser, PPU, TC, PHS, etc.
  • Nozzle customization service: you only need to provide drawings of electronic components, or provide samples, we can design and make the nozzles
What are the specific product categories

Mainly including:  Feeder, Nozzle, Motor, Filter, Driver ,Valve, Nozzle holder , Placement head, Squeegee, Clamp, Cylinder , Ejector, Laser, Jig...

Why should we trust you?

We have been engaged in the SMT industry for more than ten years and have accumulated a lot of praise from customers, and we are also an active member of IPC

What is your advantage ?
  • High cost performance: We work closely with Chinese agents and can get very favorable prices, so the price to customers is very good.
  • Timeliness: Active and quick response is the biggest highlight of our service
  • Professionalism: We not only sell products, but also provide customers with technical services. We support online solutions for any technical problems!
What is the guarantee of the quality of your products?

Some of our products come in three states: Original new, Original used, Copy new.
When we quote to the customer, it will be in a standard state. The state of the goods in your hand is the same as the description on the quote or PI, and we will never deceive the customer!

What kind of SMT equipment and spare parts do you supply?

One-stop SMT solution, all kinds of equipment and spare parts are available as well as technical support and repair service.

How to guarantee the quality?

Professional QC double check before shipment, test on machine if necessary and material with warranty.

How to solve quality problem?

In the warranty period, non-human reasons and operating errors of quality problems, free technical support and part replacement is available, even refund.

What’s the delivery time?
  • SMT/AI spare parts lead time: 2-3 days.
  • If order from origin factory , the lead time need  4-8 weeks.
  • SMT machine equipments lead time: 1-2 weeks
  • SMT peripheral equipment lead time: 2-4 weeks
How long is the warranty period?
  • The warranty period of SMT Spare parts is: 3-6 months
  • The warranty period of SMT peripheral equipment is 6 months
How to deal with after-sales?

We accept exchanges, returns. If there is a problem with the machine, we usually replace the parts for you

We do not know how to clear customs, and how to buy?

We cooperate with professional freight forwarding companies and can help you with customs clearance.

What’s the payment term?

TT, Paypal, Western Union, LC , 100% before shipment.

Where is your main market?

Asia, Europe, USA and Brazil.

Are you a factory or manufacturer?

OEM&ODM service are available.

What’s the packing?

Spare parts -- Carton+ bubble cotton;  Equipment -- Wooden case + vacuum sealed.

What are the trade terms?


What is the Shipping methods

By air, by sea, by train, carrier account ect.

How to ship without the carrier account?

 Professional forwarder will handle shipment.

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